The Montrose team offers a variety of services for chemical manufacturing, ranging from regulatory compliance, permitting and consulting to wastewater consulting, and emission testing services. With locations conveniently located throughout the U.S. and Canada, we offer integrated services for the unique requirements of chemical manufacturing industry, including the production of adhesives, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, insulation, textiles, paints/coatings, and more.

Testing services include source testing, laboratory analysis, LDAR, and ambient air monitoring. Our source testing and LDAR chemical manufacturing consulting teams have extensive experience in testing to demonstrate compliance with federal, state and local regulations.   We’ve developed innovative methods for on-site analysis of VOCs and routinely leverage our internal laboratories for complex projects requiring low-detection limits or involving complex matrices.  Our chemical manufacturing LDAR teams offer an array of services from consulting and FEMP plan development, to testing, inspections, maintenance, and data management, among others. Our cutting-edge ambient air testing team provides solutions to issues including routine particulate and criteria pollutants, complex volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, and setting up and operating meteorological stations.  We routinely apply the latest technologies including open path testing using FTIR, TDL UVDOAS, on-site mobile mass spectrometry for ultra-low measurement of organic compounds, and other forms of chemical manufacturing source testing. We’ve successfully completed thousands of tests at hundreds of chemical manufacturing sites in the U.S. and Canada since 2005.

The environmental permitting and regulatory compliance team at Montrose helps our chemical manufacturing clients achieve and maintain regulatory compliance with federal, state and local regulations throughout the U.S.  Our team members have decades of experience — so we can take on the toughest challenges and deliver successful outcomes without hesitation.

In addition to the skilled teams listed above, our soil and groundwater remediation, planning and ecosystem consulting, and water treatment teams routinely solve the most complex problems related to designing, building, and operating chemical manufacturing plants.

For more specific services related to our offerings, please see below.

Chemical Manufacturing Industry Services

  • Testing
    • Source Testing for Criteria Pollutants and Hazardous Air Pollutants
    • Speciated, Real-time Organics Testing by EPA Methods 18 (Gas Chromatography) and 320 (FTIR)
    • Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEMS) Testing, including Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA), Calibration Gas Audits (CGA), Quarterly Relative Accuracy Audits (RAA), and Linearity Checks – 40 CFR Part 60 and Part 75
    • Control Equipment Engineering and Performance Guarantee Testing, including SCR Tuning and Optimization
    • Particulate Size Distribution Evaluations
    • Testing for NOx, CO, Formaldehyde, and VOCs (Total Non-Methane and Speciated)
    • Real Time Ambient Monitoring Using PTR-TOF-MS
    • Ambient Monitoring – EPA Method TO-15
    • Ambient Low-level Sulfur Compound Analysis using ASTM-D5504
    • Ambient Air Sampling Studies of Gas Production Sites for VOC, PM, Metals (HiVol) and Odors
  • Lab Services
    • Laboratory Analysis of Speciated Volatile Organic Hazardous Pollutants (VOHAP) Analysis by EPA Method 18
    • Analysis for Hydrocarbons using EPA and ASTM Methodologies
    • SM 2540D – Total Suspended Solids
    • EPA 1664A – Total Oil and Grease
    • EPA 200.7/200.8/245.1 – Total and Dissolved Metals
    • EPA 608 – Pesticides and PCBs
    • EPA 624 – Volatile Organic Compounds
  • Leak Detection and Measurement using EPA Method 21
  • Tank Inspections, Tank Seal Inspections, Tank Maintenance
  • HRVOC Sampling
  • Consulting and Support Services including Inspection and Maintenance Plans, Custom Regulatory Training, Third Party Audits, Emissions Inventory, and Fugitive Emission Management Program (FEMP) Development
  • Data Management & Reporting Software including, Centralized Online Database, Custom Field Data Entry Software, and Customized Reporting
  • Manufacturing Wastewater Treatment Alternative Analysis and Feasibility Studies
  • Preliminary Design Report and Cost Estimates
  • Detailed Design Services for Water and Wastewater Treatment
  • Water and Wastewater Turnkey Projects, including Equipment Procurement
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment System Installation and Engineering Services During Construction
  • Water and Wastewater System Startup and Commissioning
  • Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments
  • Remedial Feasibility Studies
  • Vapor Intrusion Investigations and Mitigation
  • RCRA Facility Investigations
  • Corrective Measure Study and Design
  • PFAS & Emerging Contaminants Assessments
  • Hydrogeologic Assessments
  • Spill Investigations
  • Soil Stabilization, Excavation & Removal, and Ex-Situ Remediation
  • Streambank Stabilization
  • AST/UST Management & Closure
  • Contaminated/Clean Soil Management Plans
  • In-Situ Groundwater Restoration
  • Facility Expansion Civil Engineering
  • Pavement Design and Rehabilitation
  • Sinkhole Investigation and Mitigation
  • Secondary Containment System Design
  • Stormwater Infrastructure Design/Upgrades
  • Stream Crossing Design & Permitting
  • Impoundment Design, Upgrades and Closure
  • Landfill Design, Upgrades and Closure
  • Sediment Remediation
  • Erosion & Sediment Control Plans
  • Decontamination/Demolition Plans
  • Air Permitting – New Construction, Modifications, and Renewals, PSD, Title V, Synthetic Minor
  • Agency Negotiations, Addressing Public Comments and Petitions
  • Permitting Evaluations – Assessing Requirements for Potential Projects, including Complex Air Dispersion Modeling, to Identify the Optimal Permitting Approach
  • SOCMI NSPS and NESHAP Compliance Support
  • Air Recordkeeping and Reporting – Preparing Quarterly, Semiannual, and Annual Compliance Reports
  • Risk Management Plan (RMP) Development
  • GHG Mandatory Reporting – Preparing and Submitting Annual GHG Reports
  • EPCRA 313 Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting
  • EPCRA 312 Tier II Hazardous Material Storage Reporting
  • NPDES Storm Water Industrial Permitting and Reporting
  • NPDES Wastewater Discharge Permitting and Reporting
  • SPCC and FRP Plans
  • RCRA Hazardous Waste Generator Compliance Programs
  • Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
  • Auditing
  • Archeological Studies and Monitoring
  • Consultation with Tribal Governments (Native Americans/Indian Tribes)
  • NEPA Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements
  • Biological Studies and Monitoring
  • Environmental Constraints Analysis
  • Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA) for Site Remediation, NEPA, and Mitigation/Restoration Planning
  • Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment
  • Spill Response and Planning
  • Natural Resource Damage Assessments (NRDA)
  • Land Eco Asset Valuation
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans

Montrose and its affiliated subsidiaries do not offer engineering or geology services in North Carolina or New York, with the exception of federal projects that pre-empt State Law. All other engineering and geology services will be provided by Advanced GeoServices Engineering and Geology P.C.